1. I have read through chapter 5, pages 1-82.
2. There have been many topics covered throughout each chapter. Some of them being: Genetically modified crops and the use of pesticides, the inhumanities of animal factories, the celebration/rituals of certain cultures, the evolutionary characteristics of animals and the necessity of food for survival.
3. I found the topic particularly on
Agribusiness to be very interesting. Agribusiness is just a generic term that is used in agriculture, that has to do with the businesses in food production. From the beginning days of farming, farmers would delicately tend to their crops, by allowing great variety and time for the soil to replenish so that each plant received enough nutrients. Now days, this important technique rarely exists, depleting our soil and vegetation from its nutrition in order to grow mass quantities as fast as can be grown. Also,
GM crops have been introduced, with the United States being their top producer. Genetically modified foods have coding that enables crops to become resistant to specific herbicides and pests. But the issue is, is that although there aren't many short term effects-- it is the long term cumulative effect that is of concern!!
4. This is a huge problem for society. GM crops are being spread globally, and it is hard to say how "organic" crops really can be these days. How are we supposed to stop seeds from catching wind and planting in organic fields? Or water run-offs? It is important that we find more data on this issue before releasing it to the world the way it has been-- specially for children, with them being more prone to such changes in diet. It is obviously difficult to know where ALL of your products from a grocery store are coming from, but that is why we need to start addressing this issue out loud. Ask your local grocery store if your produce is GM... if they do not have an adequate answer, you can request that this be done. Everyone can and should have an impact on this issue.