About Me

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I am a Junior at the University of Minnesota Duluth. I love love LOVE the crisp smell that Fall brings, but also need the vitamin D that summer brings. I thoroughly enjoy photography and watching movies. To anyone that likes the outdoors, I'm sure we will get along quite well-- I dig fresh air :) I have a cat named Kozmo, who is quite crazy, and If it were more convenient at this time in my life, i'd have a dog as well. As you might conclude, I am an animal junky.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Eye Opener: CSPI

I decided to Take a Tour of the Food Supply. I found it sickening to hear about how factory farms mistreat the animals. It should be against the law to house the animals the way they do. Cramming them in cages, never allowing some to see the light of day and de-beaking chickens without painkillers. It is animal cruelty, I don't understand how they are legal! I also didn't know that the food that is fed to the animals actually contributes to heart disease in humans. The consumption of animal meats, poultry, dairy and egg products are linked to a large sum of deaths. If we all just ate a little less of these products, we could save many animals from inhumane treatment AND it would be saving humans' lives as well. The cost of fertilizing and watering the fields to eventually feed the animals take up a lot of energy that could be used towards other more beneficial projects. 


  1. I definitely agree with you, I hate animal cruelty. It makes me so sad. Learning about things like this makes me feel guilty for eating animal products and I am now considering eating less and less of them.

  2. I agree with you, I was shocked and disgusted to read about the way the animals are treated. This is animal cruelty and it is terrible that we allow this to go on. I feel bad for supporting these terrible companies by buying their products. I wish I could afford to buy free range turkey and chicken and other foods.

  3. Could it be us all that is demanding all of this? Or is it our businesses that are glamorizing us with "the next best thing" out there to increase our wants rather than our needs? You are right, we really don't need all of these extra things if every one just ate less. What do you think that is brainwashing everyone to not care?

  4. Your right, this is very disturbing. Its hard to think that with all the laws and regulations put out there, there is nothing to stop this from happening. Is animal cruelty not a crime anymore? It surprised me that this too can be contributing to heart disease, so I feel that everyone should know in order to keep themselves and families healthy.

  5. I agree with you...lots of this is very much animal cruelty. Again, it makes me feel like i have been doing something completely wrong & that is ruining everything. But isn't there a way we could go about doing this?
