About Me

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I am a Junior at the University of Minnesota Duluth. I love love LOVE the crisp smell that Fall brings, but also need the vitamin D that summer brings. I thoroughly enjoy photography and watching movies. To anyone that likes the outdoors, I'm sure we will get along quite well-- I dig fresh air :) I have a cat named Kozmo, who is quite crazy, and If it were more convenient at this time in my life, i'd have a dog as well. As you might conclude, I am an animal junky.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

I decided to check out what my Burt's Bees honey lip balm was made of. It turns out that it is considered a number 3 hazard level item, which is moderate. Ingredients included have been linked to allergic reactions and immunotoxicity The flavor and Lanolin are the ingredients have the biggest hazard level. Overall, my lip balm does not seem to be very harmful. It is a pretty natural item, and I plan on continuing to use it. 


  1. I love that product too! I trust that brand and I do continue to buy its products.

  2. This is one that I use all the time. I wonder what makes it higher up on the scale compared to the product mary wrote about?

  3. I hardly ever use chapstick but this would be the brand I would use. I've had this thought in my head that chapstick is good for your lips but in reality there's hazards to that, too!

  4. I also use this product, which makes me happy that it has a good score! Yay one item we can use without thinking it is going to give us cancer!

  5. I think that's the lowest score I've seen yet! Way to go Burts Beeswax! I also use it too so that gives me piece of mind, although I guess I'd rather have seen a 0 for it rather than a 3.
