Total City Miles: 7,200Total Highway Miles: 4,800City MPG: 22 MPGHighway MPG: 32 MPGGallons of Fuel (City): 327.27 gallonsGallons of Fuel (Highway): 150 gallonsGallons of Fuel (Total): 477.27 gallonsTotal Pounds CO2: 9211.31 lbs My Pontiac Grand Am produces a total of 9211 pounds of CO2, and I am astonished by such a high amount!!! My car probably gets about 22 miles/gallon, which is a lot better than trucks and other larger vehicles out there. I never knew that just an individual car could emit that much pollution. Just think, most households have 3 or 4 cars (one per person!) 2. Katie's Activity 1. My BMI: 20.98--> Normal - Yes, I do think this is an accurate way to measure your weight. It Takes into consideration your height, which is a very important factor. 2. I think that I am somewhat adequately taking in the right amount of calories each day. I try and eat as many WHOLE grains as I can each day, but sometimes might not each the 3 oz that is recommended. I definitely reach the milk goal of 3 cups daily, but I also might overeat on cheese (my favorite!) I don't think that I eat the 5.5 oz of meat and beans. -I need to decrease the amount of fatty cheeses that I eat (or at least start buying lowfat/nonfat cheeses. -But, if this is too difficult, I could try and mix in vegetables with the cheese so that I am at least getting my vegetable intake. 3. I chose Pilates (intermediate) and Aerobics (high impact) and I was surprised to see that they weren't very different in calories burned!! I'd think that aerobics would burn a lot more. Pilates burned 254 for 50 min while aerobics burned 276 for 40 minutes. Though they were 10 minutes apart, I thought it'd be much more of a difference. Also, I thought that BOTH would burn more calories. It is so hard to burn the amount of calories in a pound, I feel that after a workout I've burned off so much, when really it isn't that much 3. Kara's Activity -I scored 68 -I pretty much knew all of the information/questions. I am still a little uninformed about biofuel, but I know that it is a form of renewable energy. 4. Lauren's Activity -I am only 10% fit according to the fitness quiz, what a buzz-kill!!! 1. Pilates and shoveling the driveway 2. two days/wk 3. 50 minutes an activity 4. Jumping rope (in med ball class) 5. 1 day/wk 6. 20 minutes during activity 7. less active than last 3 months 8. I answered 6/7 NO. The one YES that I answered was being dizzy sometimes during exercise. 9. I have been trying to get more physically active 10. control weight, lower stress, look better 11. My sister WOULD help, by helping me get homework and studying done, and motivating me to go to the gym with her. However, she doesn't live in Duluth. 12. I am fairly confident 5. Jamie's Activity -15 pushups -45 sit-ups -1 1/2 minutes -18 inches -14 minutes YOUR SCORE: 32You have the right idea and are on your way to excellent fitness. Stay where you are and you'll still be ahead of the pack. But if you want to amp it up, check out the SELF Challenge. 6. Dani's Activitiy |
About Me

- Elly@Elly Dreams Green
- I am a Junior at the University of Minnesota Duluth. I love love LOVE the crisp smell that Fall brings, but also need the vitamin D that summer brings. I thoroughly enjoy photography and watching movies. To anyone that likes the outdoors, I'm sure we will get along quite well-- I dig fresh air :) I have a cat named Kozmo, who is quite crazy, and If it were more convenient at this time in my life, i'd have a dog as well. As you might conclude, I am an animal junky.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Eye Opener: Environmental Online Learning Activities
1. Ashley's Activity
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I thought maybe those two terms people would struggle with a little bit! It's always great to learn something new though that's why I still wanted to provide them in the crossword! I hope you enjoyed doing everyone's activities!
ReplyDeleteI also scored pretty low on the fitness test. I think it needs more specific questions to have more accurate results. Our cars also seemed to have pretty relative emissions, I do a lot of driving between commuting to school from Superior, going to and from work etc. so that would explain it for me.
ReplyDeleteYou get a lot of MPG on the highway, awesome! I thought my car got a lot at 29! And I am very surprised by how much you burn by doing Pilates! For only 50 minutes, that's a lot. I should really try it. Don't be discouraged by my initial fitness test, basically if you aren't perfect it will say you aren't really physically fit.
ReplyDeleteThat is a high amount of CO2 emissions from your pontiac! All the between driving from school, work, other errands, and traveling home do really add up. You seemed like you did well on my physical activities compared to the quiz where it was a little score. They do survey different components and I know you have been working hard.
ReplyDeleteGreat work on completing our online activities! It sounds like you travel a lot which is why your emissions are so high. It's crazy how those little trips really do add up. Great work on posting and commenting this week =)
ReplyDeleteI was also surprised at how much work it actually takes to burn off calories. Like you, when I go to the gym I feel like I have burned off so much when in reality, it was hardly anything. It kind of puts everything in perspective. For people who want to lose a lot of weight they need to put in a great amount of effort!