About Me

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I am a Junior at the University of Minnesota Duluth. I love love LOVE the crisp smell that Fall brings, but also need the vitamin D that summer brings. I thoroughly enjoy photography and watching movies. To anyone that likes the outdoors, I'm sure we will get along quite well-- I dig fresh air :) I have a cat named Kozmo, who is quite crazy, and If it were more convenient at this time in my life, i'd have a dog as well. As you might conclude, I am an animal junky.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Share & Voice: World AIDS Day


    As some of your might've heard in Dr. Keeney's class today, Dec. 1 (today) is World AIDS Day. Today is a day for everyone to take action on reducing the number of incidents! The website resources for where to get tested, posters that you can download and print, and other ways of getting your voice out to spread information about this unfortunate disease.


    1. I didn't hear Dr. Keeney talk about this! I like how the website tries to put a face to the disease, so people realize that their stereotype for AIDS isn't necessarily accurate. I also like that they have a test locator, I'm sure for the right person that would be very helpful.

    2. That's cool. I don't really get the face thing though. Do random people just snap pictures of themselves? I also agree that it is a helpful tool to have a prevention and test locator.

    3. YAY! I'm so glad you shared this because not a lot of people actually know that Dec 1st is World AIDS day. Thanks for sharing this! I actually have some Facing AIDS paper that I got from Planned Parenthood. I think I might've ran out though otherwise I wanted to come in to Dr. Keeney's class and share it too.

    4. I didn't catch this in Dr. Keeney's class but I did notice some people around campus wearing red ribbons. I think this is a great cause and idea to raise awareness.

    5. Mary had an activity that she asked some of us to do in Hlth 4000. She gave us a slip of paper that mentioned AIDS and on the paper we got to write about the importance of addressing the AIDS illness.

    6. This is a really good resource to get awareness out and to help people who face this issue. Its a good cause and an important topic.

    7. I am not in Dr. Keeney's class but I did hear about this from other sources such as the radio. I heard that celebrities shut off their Twitter accounts until people raised enough money and then they would go back. Popular Twitter people like Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga were involved. I think this is an awesome idea to raise awareness!!
